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Reading - Holistic Instruction

Teaching Strategies


Sentence with a word missing.

Fill in the _____

Phonogram Cloze:

Wh _ _ did you say?

What did you say?


For students below 3rd grade

Find reading passage of about 125 words. After first sentence, delete every 5th word.

Provide three alternatives for the student to choose from.


  • One correct answer
  • One response with the same gramamatical functions as the deleted word (verb and verb, noun and noun.)
  • One incorrect response with different gramatical function.

Sentence Mix-Up

Sentences with words out of order, students create meaning by putting the words in order.

  • Level 1: Student can see the sentence.
    I got a puppy for my birthday.
    birthday. I puppy got my a for
  • Level 2: Student is shown the target sentence initially.
  • Level 3: Student is shown only the mixed-up sentence.

Facilitated Writing

Can be a sentence or a paragraph, ask the student what they want to write about. Write down the "big" words on the board or scomputer. Students use the words to write sentence/paragraph. Provides scaffolding that enables them to succeed.

Scaffolded Oral Reading (ScORe)

Variation of Neurological Impress Method

Oral reading, provide support (scaffolding) as student is reading. Teacher reads milisecond ahead of student. Remember to keep pace moving.

Story Maps - Narrative Text

Visual representation of the story. You create a map that shows story structure with categories

  • Problem
  • Setting
  • Characters

Concept Maps - Expository Text

Representation that shows relationships of major concepts described. After reading, students fill in the blanks.

Story Retelling Chart

Identify salient elements: characters, events, ending.

Important characters:

  1. _________
  2. _________
  3. _________


  1. _________
  2. _________
  3. _________


  1. _________
  2. _________
  3. _________

Post-Reading Activity

Any activity to extend, manipulate, apply, reinforce, or examine an idea or concept from the reading.


  • Planned discussion
  • Writing prompts
  • Creative dramatics
  • Bloom's taxonomy, thinking skills, Gardner's MI, Sternberg's triarchic theroy

Post reading activities should be fun, interesting, engaging.

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